Lucky fate!
Would you prefer an early diagnosis and prompt treatment to prevent illness and maintain good health, or would you opt to forgo a diagnosis out of fear of pain and potentially face dire consequences due to delayed treatment? As for me, I would unequivocally choose the first option. Yes, I do experience fear. I dread the idea of discovering pain within myself. However, is that fear substantial enough to justify jeopardizing my life? Clearly not. So, ponder this: it's wiser to be informed early rather than waiting until it's too late. What are your thoughts on this matter? This thought-provoking question was posed by my friend from Mexico back in 2017. He inquired whether I'd opt for medical intervention or accept the consequences of not seeking treatment, and I find it to be a profound question. In 2017, I penned the aforementioned post about the dilemma of seeking medical attention or facing the unknown without understanding the pain. I must apologize for my less refined En...